Friday, April 11, 2008

My Family Life

I was born 6 years after my mom and first dad got married. When I was about 6 or 7 years old, my parents got divorced. My little sister was born in 1997, and surprisingly, on the same day as my first dad. My mom remarried in 2004, and I have learned a lot about how fortunate my sister and I are to have a stepdad like him. I do not call him by his name, I call him my dad. I probably would not have been here in Belgiium if mom did not marry my stepdad.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008




the same girl who wrote '' can any obdy hear me???

will some body PUH-LEAS COMMENT???


Hi everyone!
how r u? 3 day after the holidays and we haven't even talked about to so lets talk about it?
how was your vaction hope you all had fun!!! i certainly had lots of fun and it was the best one i ever had... i dont know why people say staying in Belgium sux over the break. i stayed in Belgium and guess what it snowed here for two days!!! (not including that it was also the 2 day of spring)
Second best thing that happend to me was that i chated with a celebrity online! can you believe it online!!!!!!!!!!! isn;t that so cool and we are kind of friends!!!! Amazing huh??? if i write anymore i dont know what will happen to me so it was nice talking with ya!!!
cya around sometimes

can any body hear me????

i am desperate to have some attention! oh yeah, hi i'm Mubah. yeah thats a weird name but i must tell you that i'm from pakistan. this is my first time ever writing a blog. if you are reading this than DO NOT DARE write a bad comment about me.( exept for teachers)hey this is fun, i must admit. can sombody please write me a comment and be sure to come back to hear more from me
p.s if you want to. wait no. YOU BETTER.(HAHA JUST KIDDING)
P.S.S by the way i'm not crazy just full of energy.

hey it's me haha

hey wat's up people...

well today kinda sucked for me cuz for me 2 be able 2 write on this blog I had 2 get a gmail account...

now u guys might not think that that is a bad thing

but for me it's really annoying, cuz I already hav

2 other e-mails and

a myspace and

a facebook,

so now I hav lik 5 different passwords
and most likely i'm gonna forget 1 of them or lik put the wrong password with the wrong account...

so if i don't write anything 4 lik a long time that's probably what happened...

ttyl (talk 2 ya later)

Blogging about Me

This is the first time that i have ever done blogging. Until April 8, 2008, I knew nothing about blogging. When I met James LaRosa, I was inspired by him to really want to become a journalist. My name is Gabrielle aka Gabby, Gabbster, Gabsterella,Gabs, and Flowers. Yes, I have a ton of nicknames. It all started in first grade because my first grade teacher could not pronounce my name correctly, and that is how I was nicknamed Gabby. When I started playing soccer, my coach had to say our names quick, and that's how I got the nickname Gabs. My sister makes fun of me, so that is how I received the nickname Gabsterella. I have a longer list on how I got the nicknames I got, and it is too long for me to explain in the blogs.